Web Components

Web components are encapsulated UI components written in JS/HTML/CSS without the use of frameworks. Web components allow native HTML elements to be extended and composed with custom javascript funcitonality and isolated styles.

In the example below, I declare a custom element which will render a codeblock. In fact, the code is rendered inside an instance of that very custom component! This custom component extends the HTML div element and formats its inner html as a string. A copy button is provided to add the snippet to your clipboard.

class CodeBlock extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ` `; this.textContent = this.innerHTML; } connectedCallback() { const template = `
` const placeholder = document.createElement('div'); placeholder.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', template); const node = placeholder.firstElementChild; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(node); const button = document.createElement('button'); button.innerText = 'Copy'; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(button); button.addEventListener('click', () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.textContent) }); } } window.customElements.define('code-block', CodeBlock)

Once defined and registered on the page, the custom component can be freely used. For instance, adding the following to the web page

Hello World

will produce the following output:

Hello World


After starting this sandbox I found a very similar article on css-tricks which I leveraged.

I also made use of some Google developer articles on the subject.